Using a Paint Brush

The paint brush is the most widely used tool for applying paint. The first step is to select the right brush for the job at hand. For example, if you want to paint a window frame or skirting board, a 50mm or smaller sash cutter will suit your purpose. If painting ceilings and walls (cutting – in), a 75mm brush would be best. If you have a weatherboard home and decide to paint it, a 100mm brush would best suit this job.

New brushes should be washed in warm water and shaken vigorously to remove any loose bristles. A brush Spinner can be purchased at most paint stores, which makes this process easy. Previously used brushes should also be washed, to remove any dust and free up tight bristles. Leave them to dry before use.

Now you have selected the right brush, how do you use it?

Pour a little bit of paint into a clean container (paint pot). To load your brush, dip it into the paint, then gently tap on each side of the pot. This will remove excess paint and help minimize any drips.

Cutting in is a learned technique that professional painters take for granted, however if you are a do it yourself kind of person, the only advice I can give is to use low tack masking tape and take your time. Carefully remove the masking tape as soon as possible after the paint dries. Use a Stanley Knife or similiar to cut a line between the paint and the masking tape, to ensure that it does not pull off any fresh paint.

When finished, wash the brush out. Water for Acrylic Paints, or Turps for Oil based paints (alkyds). Finish the washing process for both water based and oil based, with warm soapy water. Spin out the residue and water. Repeat the process until you no longer see any traces of paint.

To keep your brush in good condition, shape the bristles and wrap in tissue paper, or the cover that many brushes are purchased with.

Stay tuned, next time we will talk about using a roller.

Call Eric at Prime Painting Group 0429 422 746 or request your free quote here.


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